OpenVPN Free Account Premium

Use a secure and fast connection with OpenVPN and enjoy privacy and speed. It is free and fast. What are you waiting for?

Free OpenVPN Account Premium

fast and Premium openvpn account

Create free openvpn account

Best VPN Online

SSL/TLS and PPTP Premium servers

We are constantly adding free OpenVPN servers
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Choose Servers Location


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location GermanyCity Nuremberg

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Germany
  • City : Nuremberg
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 555

Create Account


OpenVPN Account Premium Holanda

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Holanda
  • City : Amsterdam
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 192

Create Account


OpenVPN Account Premium Singapore

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Singapore
  • City : Singapore
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 212

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Singapore Singapore

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Singapore
  • City : Singapore
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 221

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location AustraliaCity Sydney

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Australia
  • City : Sydney
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 309

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location CanadaCity Beauharnois

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Canada
  • City : Beauharnois
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 318

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location FranceCity Roubaix

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : France
  • City : Roubaix
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 325

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location FranceCity Gravelines

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : France
  • City : Gravelines
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 334

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location GermanyCity Limburg

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Germany
  • City : Limburg
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 342

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location PolandCity Warsaw

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Poland
  • City : Warsaw
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 350

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location SingaporeCity Singapore

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Singapore
  • City : Singapore
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 358

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location SingaporeCity Singapore

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Singapore
  • City : Singapore
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 366

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location SingaporeCity Singapore

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Singapore
  • City : Singapore
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 374

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location United KingdomCity London

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : United Kingdom
  • City : London
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 382

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location AustraliaCity Sydney

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Australia
  • City : Sydney
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 391

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location CanadaCity Beauharnois

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Canada
  • City : Beauharnois
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 399

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location FranceCity Gravelines

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : France
  • City : Gravelines
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 407

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location GermanyCity Limburg

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Germany
  • City : Limburg
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 415

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location PolandCity Warsaw

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Poland
  • City : Warsaw
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 424

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location SingaporeCity Singapore

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Singapore
  • City : Singapore
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 432

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location SingaporeCity Singapore

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Singapore
  • City : Singapore
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 440

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location SingaporeCity Singapore

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Singapore
  • City : Singapore
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 448

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location SingaporeCity Singapore

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Singapore
  • City : Singapore
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 456

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location United KingdomCity London

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : United Kingdom
  • City : London
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 464

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location United KingdomCity London

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : United Kingdom
  • City : London
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 472

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location CanadaCity Beauharnois

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Canada
  • City : Beauharnois
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 480

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location FranceCity Roubaix

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : France
  • City : Roubaix
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 488

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location FranceCity Gravelines

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : France
  • City : Gravelines
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 497

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location GermanyCity Limburg

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Germany
  • City : Limburg
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 504

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location SingaporeCity Singapore

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Singapore
  • City : Singapore
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 512

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location SingaporeCity Singapore

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Singapore
  • City : Singapore
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 520

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location SingaporeCity Singapore

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Singapore
  • City : Singapore
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 528

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location SingaporeCity Singapore

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : Singapore
  • City : Singapore
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 536

Create Account


OpenVPN server free Account Premium Location United KingdomCity London

  • 1GB/s
  • Free account every 4 days
  • Location : United Kingdom
  • City : London
  • SSL/TLS support

Server ID : 544

Create Account

How to Install OpenVPN on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iPhone ?

OpenVPN server is an open-source virtual private network (VPN) protocol that’s utilized to form secure and private internet connections. It is one of the foremost well-known free VPN server protocols and is used by people, businesses, and organizations around the world.

OpenVPN server is a flexible convention that can be utilized on an assortment of platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS. It can also be designed to work with diverse encryption calculations and confirmation strategies to supply a profoundly secure best VPN server connection.

Some of the benefits of utilizing OpenVPN incorporate:

Strong encryption: best OpenVPN server uses SSL/TLS encryption to supply a highly secure fast VPN connection that’s difficult to intercept or eavesdrop on.

Versatility: free OpenVPN server free can be utilized on a variety of stages and can be arranged to work with distinctive encryption algorithms and authentication strategies.

Open-source: fast OpenVPN server is an open-source protocol, which suggests that the code is openly accessible and can be reviewed and improved by the community.

Flexibility: OpenVPN tunnel can be arranged to work with different network topologies, counting client-to-server, site-to-site, and inaccessible get-to.

Overall, OpenVPN could be a profoundly secure and flexible free VPN protocol that’s broadly utilized by people, businesses, and organizations to ensure their online privacy and security.

The best OpenVPN server is a popular open-source virtual private network
(VPN) protocol that provides secure and private web browsing. It is accessible
for an assortment of platforms, including Android, iPhone, Windows, and Mac,
and can be easily introduced and used on each platform. In this text, we’ll
examine how to utilize OpenVPN free on each platform and provide the official
download links.

Latest 10 Post about OpenVPN on Blog

openvpn vs wireguard It is better in 2023 Virtual private networks (VPNs) have become an essential tool for internet security and privacy. Among the various VPN protocols available, OpenVPN and WireGuard are two popular choices. But which one is better in 2023? Overview of OpenVPN and WireGuard OpenVPN is a mature and widely-used VPN protocol known for its strong security and flexibility. It has been ...
OpenVPN vs. WireGuard, for Linux For Linux users looking to enhance their online security and privacy, choosing the right VPN can be a daunting task. With an array of options available, two popular choices are OpenVPN and WireGuard. In this article, we’ll explore the key differences between these two VPN protocols, helping you make an informed decision. Why VPNs are important ...
How to Install OpenVPN on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iPhone ? Virtual Private Networks or VPNs allow you to securely surf the internet, bypass geographical restrictions, and keep your online activities private. OpenVPN is an open-source VPN protocol that offers strong encryption, privacy, and performance. Although setting up OpenVPN on various devices might seem daunting, it is a straightforward process, and this guide will walk you ...
How to Use VLESS on Windows for Free Internet? In the ever-connected world we live in, having access to a secure and reliable internet connection is crucial. Many individuals are constantly looking for ways to enjoy free internet, and one option that has gained popularity is using VLESS on Windows. This blog post will explore what VLESS is, its benefits, and how to use it ...

Utilizing OpenVPN on Android

To use OpenVPN on Android, you’ll
need to follow the following steps: Download and install the OpenVPN Connect
app from the Google Play Store:

Download the OpenVPN server configuration file from your best VPN provider
or create your own file using the OpenVPN config generator. Open the OpenVPN
Connect app and click the “OVPN Profile” button. Select the downloaded
configuration file and click the “Import” button. Enter your VPN account
username and password and click “Save”. Click on the “Connect” button to
establish the best VPN connection. Using OpenVPN server on iPhone: To use
OpenVPN on iPhone, you will need to follow the following steps: Download and
install the OpenVPN Connect app from the App Store:

Download the OpenVPN configuration file from your free VPN provider or
create your own file using the free OpenVPN config generator. Open the OpenVPN server
Connect app and click the “OVPN Profile” button. Select the downloaded
configuration file and click the “Import” button.

Enter your VPN username and password and click “Add”.
Click on the toggle switch to establish a VPN connection.

To use OpenVPN on Windows:

To use OpenVPN on Windows, you will need to follow the following steps:
Download and install the OpenVPN GUI server client from the official website:

Download the OpenVPN configuration file from your free VPN provider or create
your own file using the free OpenVPN config generator.
Move the configuration file to the “config” folder of the OpenVPN installation
Right-click on the OpenVPN GUI icon in the system tray and click “Connect”.
Enter your free VPN account username and password and click “OK”.
The OpenVPN GUI will turn green when the VPN connection is established.

Using OpenVPN on Mac:
To use OpenVPN on Mac, you will need to follow the following steps:
Download and install the Tunnelblick app from the official website:

Download the OpenVPN configuration file from your free VPN provider or
create your own file using the free OpenVPN config generator.
Double-click the downloaded configuration file to import it into Tunnelblick.
Enter your free VPN username and password and click “OK”.
Click on the Tunnelblick icon in the menu bar and click “Connect”.
The Tunnelblick icon will turn blue when the VPN connection is established.
In conclusion, OpenVPN sever is a powerful VPN free protocol that offers secure
and private internet browsing. It can be easily installed and used on various
platforms, including Android, iPhone, Windows, and Mac. By following the steps
outlined in this article, you can quickly set up and start using the best OpenVPN
server on your preferred platform. To download the necessary applications,
please visit the official download links provided above.